HealthTeamWorks Mentors Practice Transformation Professionals in SIM, ENSW and TCPi

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  • HealthTeamWorks Mentors Practice Transformation Professionals in SIM, ENSW and TCPi

Colorado has experienced an influx of federally-funded practice transformation initiatives over the last year, including  the Colorado State Innovation Model (SIM), Transforming Clinical Practice (TCPi) and Evidence Now Southwest (ENSW).  Along with the excitement of these opportunities, we’re observing a serious commitment by the leadership of these programs to ensure that local practice transformation professionals receive the best training to deliver effective quality and clinical improvement services to primary care and specialist practices in our state.

In an effort to support this readiness, the Colorado Health Extension System (the prime contractor for Colorado practice transformation programs), hired HealthTeamWorks® this past summer to deliver our nationally-recognized performance improvement facilitator training to 20 Colorado-based professionals.  Working in partnership with local medical groups Physician Health Partners and Centura Health Neighborhood, HealthTeamWorks® provided two days of highly interactive training in introductory performance improvement skills including building quality improvement infrastructure and teams, understanding data & improvement, facilitation skills, and leadership.

“HealthTeamWorks® is proud to share our expertise in practice transformation and educate the professionals who will be implementing improvement programs in practices across the state,” says Nicole Deaner, HealthTeamWork®’s Director of Education and Training. “It’s an exciting time for us as practice transformation organizations, and we appreciate the opportunity to help align our efforts to create the most impact and value in our work.”

Participants also found the training worthwhile – in client satisfaction surveys, attendees rated all session at 4 or above out a possible 5. Comments from the sessions indicated a high degree of engagement as well:  “I have so many ideas for my clinic!”;  “This was the best training that I have ever received.”; “Excellent examples were used to support the presentation.”; and “Well-paced and very informative.”