Supporting Primary Care - Help Us Transform Healthcare

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Help Us Transform Healthcare!

Primary care is the heart of our nation’s health system, yet the sustainability of many practices is at risk due to a lack of support and funding. Consider donating today to ensure advanced primary care remains accessible in this increasingly dynamic and demanding environment. Your generosity means HealthTeamWorks can continue to provide transformation support often out of reach for practices, resulting in access to affordable, high-quality care across the country.

Donate to HealthTeamWorks through AmazonSmile!
AmazonSmile is an easy way to donate. When you shop at, Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases to HealthTeamWorks at no cost to you. Signing is simple - go to and select "HealthTeamWorks" as your charity of choice.

If you prefer to donate directly instead, you can do so here: