Spotlight on Success: Hinman Family Medicine

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  • Spotlight on Success: Hinman Family Medicine
Dr. Mark Hinman


Hinman Family Medicine is a family owned primary care practice in Longmont, Colorado. Dr. Mark Hinman is the namesake and has invested in the health of the town that he grew up in for over 30 years. Hinman Family Medicine is currently participating in SIM, the State Innovation Model, and the team has made incredible strides in the first year of the project.

SIM focuses on behavioral health integration, and in year one, the Hinman Family Medicine Team has begun screening their patients for social determinants of health, which means this practice understands and diligently works to control social stressors that are impacting their patients’ health. The team provides local resources for patients that struggle with food insecurity, safety, heat in their homes, transportation, etc.

Additionally, Hinman Family Medicine has integrated a behavioral health provider into their clinic 2 days a week. Behavioral Health integration is on a continuum of Levels 1-6. Level 1 is essentially no coordination while Level 6 is fully integrating and sharing data, including documenting in the same electronic medical health record. This practice went from a Level 2 integrated clinic to a level 6 in one year!

Hinman Family Medicine works hard to provide superior care for their patients and their community. They have also participated in the 2018 Million Hearts Challenge where 80% of their patients with hypertension were in control, meaning a BP under 140/90. Thousands of practices participated and 18 were chosen. CDC sponsored the contest and NCQA was used to verify data. Hinman Family is dedicated to its patients and its community.

We have had a great experience in CBHC/SIM. The collaboration with CBHC/SIM has been helpful and supportive. The teams are supportive of innovative and at times, crazy ideas. They have helped leverage the needs of behavioral health in primary care at a high level, with the state and lawmakers. We still have some work to do, but we are thankful for the professional relationships that have been built through these efforts. It is creating better service for our patients, families, and our community.

Dr. Mark Hinman
