Making the Shift to Aligned Transformation Efforts: Evidence of Success

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  • Making the Shift to Aligned Transformation Efforts: Evidence of Success

by Jaclyn King, MSW, CCE, Practice Facilitator

Since HealthTeamWorks® was founded more than 20 years ago, we have helped practice achieve measurable results and highest quality of care.

Anyone working in healthcare knows the game has shifted.

The Problem:

As practices and health systems we need to shift our perspective from looking at quality reporting in silos, such as NCQA PCMH v. CPC+ v. MIPS to the collective and aligning the transformation efforts to achieve the biggest bang for the change.

Some of the common indicators that practices and systems haven’t made this mental shift include:

  • “I can’t focus on CPC+ because I am focused on PCMH recognition.”
  • “I don’t have time to pull all the data.”
  • “We are so confused; we don’t even know where to start.”

The Solution: 

One 2016 contract demonstrated HealthTeamWorks® ability to support health systems to make the necessary shift. We contracted with three Colorado practices that are a part of a national health system to align reporting expectations and develop standards processes to meet payment and transformation program deliverables for optimal reimbursement.

HealthTeamWorks® provided the following support at the system level:

  • Outlined the QPP and transformation program, such as CPC+ and SIM TCPi reporting requirements, including the specifications and reporting deadlines
  • Facilitated evidenced based QI methodologies to identify gaps in quality and inconsistencies within the system
  • Incorporated key players such as practice leadership & HIT analysts in the development of reporting protocols and identified HTI enablement strategies best suited for the practices



Feedback from a system HIT analyst:

“You presented … from the stand point of clarifying and optimizing, rather than ‘damage control’ or a response to something negative (i.e., complaints, confusion). I think your approach and considerate wording set the stage for a positive group effort to truly clarify and optimize HIT.”


Another health system client stated,

“The clinics are now using the standard reporting protocols we developed and have streamlined efforts so that everyone is achieving the goals.”

  1. DATA

A practice care manager stated,

“We finally have the data we need and reporting is no longer a headache. We have really shifted from thinking about, ‘we are doing this for PCMH’ to thinking about our work as ‘quality.’”


The health system now has an ad hoc data request form for any request falling outside the continuous reporting requirements. This has helped the system to prioritize, align and meet the demand of the practices.

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