Let’s Do This Together: The Importance of Collaborative Learning

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Kristi Bohling-DaMetz, RN, BSN, MBA

Chief Strategy Officer

Keeping pace with the many changes in healthcare can be overwhelming. Having connections to people with visibility to trends and best practices across many regions, as well as to peers applying solutions in real time, can greatly accelerate change. Interacting and collaborating as part of a cross-functional learning community gets to practicality and real-time problem solving, even when faced with complex questions like the following:

  • At what pace should we be transforming and investing in a value-based infrastructure?
  • How can we bend the cost curve and evidence high-quality care?
  • How can data and HIT strengthen our practice and/or network?
  • Is my workforce ready for the volume-to-value shift?
  • How do we create stronger community-clinical linkages?
  • What payment models are we likely be operating in 2-3 years from now?
  • How do we meet the wide-ranging needs of our patient populations (e.g., behavioral health, social determinates of health, acute and long term care, palliative care, etc.)?

While we are all keenly focused on the quadruple aim in healthcare delivery, the journey to impact those outcomes effectively and maintain a level of vitality is best accelerated by our ability to connect and learn from each other. We often hear network and practice leaders tell us their greatest interest is to know what others are doing to be successful. Collaborative learning is at the heart of transformation work, so we’re looking to broadening the community!

Last month, you had the opportunity to read about the upcoming launch of HealthTeamWorks® Solutions Center, Your Go-To for How-To. Starting this fall, we will start diving into important topics in an interactive virtual setting. You’ll hear from leaders and innovators, participate in active dialogue, learn what others are doing, broaden the learning community, inform learning needs, and contribute in solving complex problems shoulder-to-shoulder.

Watch for more details on the HealthTeamWorks® website and future newsletter updates.

Plan to join us and others across the country and be a part a ‘virtual Think Tank’!