Leading Change in Pediatrics: Successes and Key Lessons in the Better Care, Better Costs, Better Colorado (BC3) Program

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BC3 Year Two Infographic


Jaclyn King, MSW, PCMH CCE, CPC+ CO Eastern Practice Facilitator

Kristin Martina, MSW, Organizational Development Manager

Pediatric practices often receive incomplete coaching in transformation initiatives due to the focus on adult topics and chronic pediatric measures. “Kids are not just young adults” says Anita Rich, CCHAP Director of Community Outreach and HealthTeamWorks’ strategic partner in the BC3 Program.

HealthTeamWorks and CCHAP collaborated in year 2 of the Better Care, Better Costs, Better Colorado (BC3) program to design and implement an innovative community learning approach for participating pediatric practices that included:

  • Pediatric specific transformation topics and pediatric clinical quality data measures
  • Creation of a learning community of practice champions and leaders that shared best practices, challenges, and lessons learned in their transformation efforts
  • Workforce development training’s focused on the facilitation of quality improvement projects and inter-professional skills critical for the advancement of the pediatric workforce.
  • Pediatric transformation expertise and support from both HealthTeamWorks and CCHAP Practice Facilitators

As a result of the pediatric community learning model, practices improved their data measures and were able to address barriers to data collection. They found great value in building a peer learning community that focused on the wellness and the health promotion of pediatric patient populations.

A special thanks to Anita Rich of Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Program (CCHAP) for her partnership in this work, and to the Colorado Health Foundation for their generous funding. Click here to learn more about the results of HealthTeamWorks’ BC3 program.