
Give the Gift of Health, Equity, and Resilience


Our healthcare system is facing a crisis of high costs, poor outcomes, and extreme disparities, but we are deploying innovative solutions for these complex problems every day to transform the way we think about and deliver care.


  • Together We Transform

    Your tax-deductible donation will help us provide medical practices with…

    All in pursuit of a health environment where everyone – patient, provider, staff, and community – can thrive.

  • Our Commitment to Transparency

    We want all of our supporters to feel confident in the progress we are making towards our mission and in our commitment to transparency by giving donors and funders meaningful data to evaluate our non-profit performance.

    HealthTeamWorks received the Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar.

    We’re rated by Charity Navigator! You can give with confidence knowing that we have been independently evaluated for effectively stewarding donations.

    Charity Navigator Three-Star Rating