Expert Panel: Burnout and Vitality in Practice

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A thriving business model requires engaged providers and care teams. However, burnout among providers is on the rise. According to a recent report from New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, “provider burnout is a problem at 83% of healthcare organizations.” 

The impact of this burnout has far-reaching effects, including risk for errors & safety events, and decreased access to care due to providers leaving the profession. Staff turnover within care teams equates to lost continuity of care and, ultimately, decreased quality. In this session, HealthTeamWorks' Chief Medical Officer, David Ehrenberger, MD engages industry leaders in a discussion about the causes of this “epidemic” and the solutions to mitigate burnout.

Session topics:

Event Details
Date & Time
March 13th, 2019 - 10:00 am to 11:00 am MDT
Solutions Center Interactive Event